

在現代社會中,獎項不僅僅是一種肯定,更是對於優秀成就的最高讚譽。不同於過去單一的獎牌,如今的獎座種類繁多,訂製與製作技術也趨向多元化。本文將介紹成年人和青少年獎座、水晶獎座、獎牌以及3D打印定制獎座等主題。   成年人嘅水晶獎座同獎牌 成年人的獎座和獎牌通常代表了長期積累的成就和專業性。水晶獎座作為一種高級的獎項,以其優雅的外觀和光彩獨特的特性而受到青睞。訂製一個水晶獎座需要考慮許多因素,包括獎座的形狀、尺寸、底座設計以及是否加上個性化的刻字。對於特殊的成就,獎座的設計應該體現出其獨特性和重要性。   青少年的水晶獎座和獎牌 青少年獎座的設計通常更側重於鼓勵和啟發,因此在設計時可以更加生動和多彩。水晶獎座也可以適用於青少年,但可能需要更多的創意元素,例如彩色燈光效果或者有趣的造型。獎牌方面,可以選擇較輕巧且不易破損的材料,同時在設計上突顯年輕的元素,如卡通形象或流行符號。     獎座和獎牌的訂製過程 獎座和獎牌的訂製過程包含多個步驟,從設計到製作再到最終交付。首先,您需要確定獎項的類型、用途和受獎者的特點。然後,您可以聯繫專業的設計團隊,共同討論獎座的外形、材質、尺寸等細節。接下來是製作階段,這可能涉及到雕刻、3D打印、金屬加工等技術。最後,您可以將成品交付給獎項的受獎者,帶來一份珍貴的榮耀。   3D打印全定制獎座 近年來,3D打印技術的發展為獎座的設計和製作帶來了全新的可能性。通過3D打印,您可以實現更加複雜和獨特的設計理念,例如流線型造型、立體效果等。這種定制獎座可以根據受獎者的特點和獲獎項目的特性來設計,從而更好地體現出獎項的價值。   獎座和獎牌代表了優秀和榮譽,其設計和製作也需要精心的考慮和專業的技術。從成年人到青少年,從水晶獎座到3D打印定制獎座,每種類型的獎項都有其獨特之處。無論是體現專業成就還是鼓勵青少年的努力,訂製的獎座都將成為一份珍貴的記錄,見證著人們的成長和進步。           
12 Best Employee Recognition Ideas at Work in 2023
Event Gifts

12 Best Employee Recognition Ideas at Work in 2023

A company can get rapid development if it has a solid strategy in business and has strong engagement with employees. One way to increase engagement with employees is by employee recognition. Companies by recognizing the team members will enjoy better productivity, lower turnover, increased employee morale and loyalty. But it's not easy to find the right employee recognition. You must get a better understanding about how to recognize employees and some employee recognition ideas to maintain a successful corporate recognition. What Is Employee Recognition? Employee recognition is acknowledging the employee's accomplishments and hard work in each individual or team within the organization. It's all about creating an emotional connection with every employee while supporting the employee's work which can have a positive impact on the company's values. Looking for a way for employee recognition is like art, because it's not as easy as giving someone a gift card. You have to understand how to make employees feel respected, valued and loved. The creative employee recognition ideas will help you to make employees feel cherished. What are the 4 types of recognition? There are 4 types of recognition techniques, which are public, private, milestones, and team. Public recognition is praising an employee's hard work in front of coworkers and everyone pays attention. This can include recognition during events like conferences, meetings, social media posts, or company updates. Private recognition acknowledging employee's performance and personal complementing. You can do this with a conversation, hadwritten note, or email. Think of personalized sentences so that every employee feels appreciated for their hard work. Milestone recognition is seeing employee performance based on their respective fields, such as marketing which can be closed over 100 sales to remind employees who are dedicated in their fields. Lastly, team recognition will honor an entire team who has completed a project or positive work. Team recognition will see success in terms of collaboration, and show how valuable they are as a team. 12 best employee recognition ideas in 2023 Employee recognition is not only as simple as saying "thank you" to employees, but something more meaningful. A good company culture is recognizing employee's hard work delivered with thoughtful employee engagement ideas to boost employee morale. Spot a bonus and give a reward Teams or individuals who meet a goal are entitled to receive rewards from the company in accordance with the work they have completed. Starting from words of praise, then the company spots a bonus and gives the appropriate prizes. Spot bonuses can be a way to encourage teamwork or individual improvement to complete work flawlessly. The spot bonus can be in the form of points or small prizes prepared by the office, ranging from gifts of small value to large-value useful items. Employee requests Employees feel cared for when they can say what they want when employees reach a milestone. Let the staff decide the reward, and deliberation on what milestones are commensurate with the employee's request. Once employees establish a standard for reward, they have more passion for achieving what they want, and feel valued whatever they do. Wellness programs Employee wellbeing is important to ensure employees stay healthy and focused. Investing in employee's health can be an effective part of the recognition strategy. Choose trusted corporate wellness tools and services in locations around your office, and do a workout with employees once a week or once a month depending on the package provided. Fun office activities Simple things can raise the mood and morale of employees. You can think about pre-meeting icebreakers, office parties, or a special time to take a break together ahead of the weekend and let the team socialize while drinking tea or coffee together. Doing something fun with coworkers will bond the team and give them time to get to know each other outside of work. Outdoor adventure Choose a special date by looking at the project schedule or any deadlines, try not to interfere with employee performance. Bring employees for outdoor adventures and let them experience the day with the cobor for permanent memories such as paragliders, learning to surf, or rafting down a wild river. By providing adventurous programs, employees can have time to take a break from work, do something that employees have never done before, and make memorable memories with the team enjoying nature together. Thank you lunches Thank you lunches is a new way to say thank you besides thank you cards. Get the team together to share a meal, say a few words to appreciate the teamwork, and enjoy the art of communal eating. If there are employees working from home, coordinate the time to do virtual lunch time by sending the same menu that employees are currently enjoying at the office to get everyone on the same page. Employee appreciation speech A company wide shout out is one way to recognize employees in front of everyone with heartfelt words and allow time for employees to deliver their speech. Don't forget to encourage other team members to applaud what the employees say. Praising employees in front of coworkers is a special passion for other team members to achieve the same achievements, and respect for their friends who work hard to get the results of their hard work. Recognition gifts Workspace gifts are one of the tokens of appreciation. You can choose to provide stationary, eating or drinking utensils, or devices to make employees' work easier. Every time employees use the recognition gift, they will remember how much you appreciate them. Look for personalized recognition gifts at BestGiftHK with the best quality and a wide selection of products. BestGift HK since 2014 has been making personalized corporation gifts, souvenirs and gifts for office needs with the best quality for promotion or recognition programs. Celebrate milestones Pay close attention when the team did something amazing. Celebrate a victory with the team as a reminder that they have worked hard together to complete big or small milestones. Every work has the right to be acknowledged and every progress must be appreciated. Celebrating with the team can be by doing team building activities, creating small parties, or letting employees decide what they want to do after reaching big or small milestones. Positive feedback Leaders have the opportunity to provide thoughtful positive feedback as employee recognition. Provide clear feedback that is connected to employee's performance. Positive feedback will foster more enthusiasm for employees who are underperforming, and teach consistency for employees who have worked well and achieved certain achievements. Give good advice so that employees can fix what is lacking in their work, without having to use hurtful words so that they still perform well. Employee survey Employee surveys are powerful because every employee has the opportunity to find out how employees like to be recognized. Every employee has a different desire how they want to get praise or be seen for their hard work. The goal is to get multiple options and ideas on how to recognize coworkers and provide new insights about what the office can do for the hard work of its employees. Sometimes there are employees who like it when they are shouted out their accomplishments in front of coworkers, there are also those who prefer to be appreciated personally. An encouraging word A good leader is a leader who gives words of encouragement at the right time. Sometimes every employee has its own problems at work, or things outside of work. The leader's job is to listen to their problems, and provide support in the form of good solutions or suggestions for their problems. Every leader doesn't have to be able to solve employee problems, but by being a good listener and being a positive figure for employees, this can be a powerful employee recognition program. Try to be a leader who can insert encouraging words in everything that is conveyed at any time. Things To Consider Before Buying Custom Trophy  Appreciated and recognized employees have higher opportunities to work at their best performance, and are focused on achieving the company's goals without hesitation. It has become the main task for the company to recognize employee's hard work and provide gifts for them according to what they do. The employee recognition program is an investment to have loyal, passionate and productive employees.

