wedding gift for guests
Event Gifts

The 12 Best Wedding Gift for Guests That They'll Love

Wedding favors or wedding gift for guests will serve as thank-you tokens to your guests and show how happy you are with their presence at the event you are holding. Every person who comes to the wedding will provide a tangible memory and you have the right to give something to show your gratitude. Before you prepare everything for the final, you have to think about the right gifts for your gusts. To help you inspire what gifts are suitable for your guests, we will share all the best wedding gift for guests that you'll ever see. Do you give gifts to guests at a wedding? Wedding gift for guests are a nice way to thank them because they took the time to come to your special day. Although it's not expected or required, gifts are always appreciated. If you start thinking about giving any gifts, keep in mind that they don't have to be elaborate or expensive. Simple gifts are okay, but you can choose thoughtful gifts that can be appreciated as much as the expensive ones. Do we need to thank the wedding guests? Good etiquette as an event owner is to say thank you to every guest who comes, greet them or shake their hand, or you can give a gift as your gratitude towards their attending. You can do this by placing thank-you cards on top of the gifts you prepare, because wedding favors will also give you peace of mind because you are showing how happy your guests are for taking part in your special day. Wedding day is a sacred day for everyone who does it. That's why the arrival of each guest will be something meaningful, because we can take photos with them, chat with them when it's possible, and share happy moments on your happy day. It's also best if you don't just think about the guests, but also about the people who help make your wedding run smoothly, such as the hosts, the vendors, or your family who help from preparation to the big day. Best 12 wedding gift for guests Do you understand how important wedding gift for guests are but are confused about where to start? Don't worry because we will give you lots of ideas about what gift to give. Keep reading until the end about our wedding favors, from your favorites to thoughtful gifts that you can order online. Classic candle wedding favors Are wedding souvenirs easy to find but always appropriate because of their usefulness? How about scented candles? There are many candle flavors that can be used as gifts, such as roses or scrumptious scents, while there is a spelling label with the name of the person being married and the wedding date. If you order in bulk, of course you can get a cheaper price and you can also choose the shape or scent you want. Coffee mug If you give guests something they will use often, you can give them coffee mugs with engraving in the middle of the mug. You can write a phrase or your wedding date at the bottom as a complement to the gift and a reminder that the recipient has come on your special day. Trust us, the recipient of this gift will always remember your special day every time they drink their morning tea or coffee. Small fan / Handheld fan customization This is a suitable gift to give during the summer, because this super cute wand fan is stylish, usable, and also provides a strong wind when you are exposed to the heat of the day or night. The personal fan is rechargeable, has a long battery life, and you can charge it from a regular outlet or any device via USB port. The fan can be carried whenever you want as a summer companion to keep them cool while queuing, traveling, or exercising. REPT water bottle REPT is a water bottle made from silicone rubber, this material is often used in baby bottles and special medical cups. This water bottle has the characteristics of BPA-free, antibacterial, and good adaptability to high and low temperatures. The water bottle from REPT can maintain the hygiene and quality of drinks. It is very suitable for gift recipients who like to carry a water bottle for work or exercise, because they can continue to use it all the time. Handheld mirror Small handheld mirrors are very suitable as wedding favors because they can be used as cosmetic mirrors, travel make up mirrors, or portable mirrors for any need. Made from safe and reliable material ensure long-term use and the mirror design is convenient for use when making up or hair cutting. You can choose to order a handheld mirror with a plastic handle or other material according to your needs and budget. Mini succulent wedding favors Instead of giving flower seeds, you can give guests mini succulents placed in small pots. You can directly order sets of 100 or more directly from the seller to ensure the highest quality succulents for your guests. You can put a thank-you note near the pot with the words "thank you for coming" or "thanks for joining us". This will be a great cute gift idea for your guests. Extra virgin olive oil One gift that will be especially useful in the kitchen is olive oil. You can provide organic olive oil for wedding favors in the size you want starting from 30ml or more, filled with certified extra virgin olive oil from local producers, and you can provide customized tags such as the wedding date and the names of those being married. Throw blankets Soft bulk blankets are another wedding favor choice that can provide warmth and comfort for guests when using them in the office or at home. Throw blankets can be arranged neatly and tied with ribbons, with a thank you card in the middle. The throw blankets are comfortable and cozy, made from plush material like polyester which can offer softness and warmth for whenever the recipient wants to use it. You can choose a blanket in medium or large size, depending on the comfort or coziness factor. Bottle openers Enhance your guests' home bar with decorative bottle openers from your wedding favor. You can make bottle openers according to the design you want, starting from the shape of the opener according to the initials of the couple, the shape of a key, or a unique shape that you can choose your own design. These openers will be very useful for household needs that often open drink bottles or for kitchen needs. Keychains Keychains are always fun as gifts. You can customize it with the materials and design you want, and it can be something that becomes a touch of charm of the recipient's routine. There are many key chain materials that you can use, such as plastic, metal or rubber. Don't forget to personalize it with the wedding date and also the initials of the married couple. Soap bars Pamper your guests with self-care staples like soap bars. You can provide a touch of relaxation for guests after their weekend. You can choose subtle scents with no common allergens so that the recipient can use this beautiful gift without worry. Flip flops or sandals Sandals or flip flops can be worn at home, or when traveling around the house without having to be confused about style or having to wear shoes. Flip flops ensure everyone's feet are comfortable when traveling around the house or inside the house, especially if you choose a material that is comfortable for your feet such as rubber, foam, or leather. 新婚結婚禮物實用高級禮盒餐具伴手禮擺件 Now you have lots of ideas for wedding favors or what you can give to guests on your special day. But how do you elevate your gift to be more personalized? You can order it at BestGiftHK as a maker of personalized gifts and corporate gifts by prioritizing product quality and engraving results. You can include your name, date or photo on the item you choose, with good printing quality. BestGiftHK has more than a decade of experience in making thoughtful gifts and accepting bulk orders for consumers throughout the world.


定制禮品在當今社會中扮演著愈發重要的角色,特別是在各類盛事中,它們不僅是活動的紀念品,更是一種情感的傳遞和品牌形象的建立。 香港作為一個充滿活力與創意的城市,每年都舉辦著眾多引人矚目的盛事,其中包括國際性的體育賽事、文化節慶和商業活動。這些盛事無疑為定制禮品的應用提供了絕佳的舞臺。 舉例來說,2024香港國際七人欖球賽是一個極具影響力的體育盛事,吸引著世界各地的球迷和運動愛好者。在這場賽事中,定制衣服可以成為球迷的首選,不僅可以穿著支持自己喜愛的球隊,同時也是對球員們的支持和鼓勵。而定制的獎牌/獎盃則成為勝利的象徵,每一面獎牌都代表著對選手們勇氣和努力的肯定。同時,FIVB世界女排聯賽也是一個引人註目的國際性體育賽事,在這場比賽中,定制紀念品可以成為球迷們的珍藏,記錄下這場比賽的精彩瞬間,同時也是對參賽隊伍的支持與祝福。 香港國際龍舟邀請賽、香港單車節等活動也都可以選擇定制禮品作為活動的一部分,這不僅可以為參與者帶來驚喜與感動,同時也是對這些活動的一種肯定和鼓勵。 在香港,盛事與定制禮品的結合,不僅豐富了活動的內容,更拉近了人們之間的距離,增添了活動的魅力和吸引力。香港,不僅是一個充滿活力的城市,更是一個充滿溫情與情感的禮物之都。


2024年香港國際七人制橄欖球賽。將在4月5日一連三日舉行!這項比賽是香港體育界備受期待的重要賽事之一,吸引了來自世界各地的優秀運動員和球隊參與。七人制橄欖球是一項緊張刺激的運動,也是香港體育文化中的重要組成部分之一。這一賽事不僅提供了觀賞和參與的機會,也為香港市民和遊客帶來了豐富多彩的體育娛樂體驗。 如果讓你舉辦一場活動,需要做些什麼可以更有效地突出活動的吸引力和亮點,使活動取得更大的成功和影響力?  定制與活動相關的物品和用品是非常有效的宣傳手段,以增強活動的吸引力和知名度: 定制海報和橫幅:設計吸引人的海報和橫幅,突出活動的日期、主題、亮點和特色,以及活動的標誌性圖案和口號。   定制T恤和帽子:定制具有活動標誌和口號的T恤、帽子等服裝,讓參與者和觀眾成為活動的移動宣傳者。   定制禮品和紀念品:定制活動紀念品如水杯、筆記本、鑰匙扣、徽章等,作為參與者和觀眾的禮品,增強他們對活動的歸屬感和紀念價值。   定制場地裝飾:在活動場地定制特色裝飾物如氣球、彩旗、花環等,營造熱烈、歡快的氛圍,吸引人們的註意力。   定制宣傳冊和傳單:定制宣傳冊和傳單,詳細介紹活動的內容、亮點、參與方式等信息,分發給潛在參與者和觀眾。  定制活動獎品:設計特色獎品如獎杯、獎牌、獎狀等,以激勵參賽者和表彰優秀表現,增加活動的競爭性和吸引力。   定制活動布告牌:在活動場地和周邊地區設置定制布告牌,宣傳活動的日期、主題和亮點,吸引過往行人和車輛的註意。   定制活動視頻和照片:拍攝活動宣傳視頻和照片,展示活動的精彩瞬間和參與者的熱情,通過社交媒體和官方網站發布,吸引更多人的關註和參與。  定制社交媒體素材:設計引人註目的社交媒體素材,如活動海報、宣傳圖和視頻,通過社交媒體平臺分享和傳播,擴大活動的影響力和知名度。  定制活動門票:設計獨特的活動門票,包括活動日期、地點、入場時間等信息,讓參與者和觀眾感受到活動的專業性和重要性。  通過定制這些物品和用品,您可以有效地增強活動的吸引力和知名度,吸引更多的參與者和觀眾,使活動取得更大的成功和影響力。  當然舉辦一場成功的活動依靠宣傳還遠遠不夠,還要需要考慮很多的因素。需要組織者進行全方位的策劃和準備工作,以確保活動順利進行並為參與者和觀眾帶來愉快的體驗。


      在這個注重健康和環保的時代,我們正在追求更健康、更可持續的生活方式。而鈦杯正是這一理念的完美體現。作為一種高品質的金屬容器,鈦杯不僅具有多種優點,而且為我們提供了一種健康、環保的飲水選擇。      健康第一: 首先,鈦杯是由純鈦製成的,這種材料被廣泛認為是最安全、最健康的選擇之一。相比於塑料或其他金屬,鈦杯不含有害物質,不會釋放有害化學物質到您的飲品中。相比之下,一次性塑料杯可能會釋放出有害的化學物質,對健康造成損害。 此外,鈦杯也不會影響飲品的味道。相比於塑料容器,鈦不會給您的飲品帶來任何奇怪的味道或氣味。您可以純粹地享受飲品的味道,從而提升您的品味體驗。因此,選擇鈦杯是保護您健康的明智選擇。     環保行動: 除了健康方面的好處外,鈦杯還是一個環保的選擇。在當今世界,塑料污染問題日益嚴重,因此減少塑料使用已成為眾多人的共同目標。鈦杯是一個很好的替代品,因為它是可重複使用的,相比於玻璃容器或陶瓷杯,鈦杯更加堅固和耐用。它不易破裂或受損,即使在極端的環境下也能保持其完整性。這意味著您可以放心地將鈦杯帶到戶外活動,旅行或任何您想去的地方,而不必擔心它會損壞。對於關心地球未來的人們來說,使用鈦杯是一個有意義的環保舉措。每一次使用鈦杯,都是對地球的一次愛護,一次對環境的積極貢獻。   專屬定制: 最後,鈦杯的專屬定制也是其魅力所在。您可以根據自己的品味和風格,打造一個獨一無二的鈦杯,讓它成為您生活中的一部分,展現您的個性和品味。   總之,鈦杯不僅是一個容器,更是一種生活態度的體現。選擇鈦杯,是對健康和環境的關愛,也是對品質生活的堅持。讓我們一起携手,探索健康環保之道,打造專屬您的品味生活。  
Best Travel Products
Event Gifts

Best 15 Travel Products That Are Suitable As Gifts

Do you have family members, work friends and best friends who like to travel during their holidays? It's time for you to think about travel products that can be used as gifts for their special day, so you can look for items that are functional and attractive enough to carry with them when they travel later. Don't worry about what you can choose, because we have prepared for you a list of the best travel gift to make shopping easier, and many of these products have been tested and tried until they find a suitable spot for travel strategists. What do people bring when traveling? Before we think about travel products that are suitable as gifts, we need to know what people bring when traveling. Before we go to a destination while on holiday, we have to know what we can bring. How to pack is complicated, because we have to know what places we will visit later, what we might need, because we are far from home. A list of several items commonly needed when traveling are a phone charger, passport, flip-flops, water bottle, spare underwear, and plug adapters. Other needs will depend on how long you will be going on holiday, and whether you can buy it when you arrive at your destination. What do you give someone who loves to travel? Even though the gift is not only physical but can be experience, of course we will think again if we are going to give a gift of experience in the form of a trip to our friends. The large budget for preparing a trip will make us object, especially if our financial situation does not support it. Let's focus on items that we can make as gifts when our friends or family members like travel. Travel products will help travelers more easily get ready wherever they are going. You can give them bags, suitcases or other luggage to help them pack their stuff before leaving for the trip. Even if the trip is far or near, each trip requires certain luggage. That's why space for luggage is necessary. Apart from that, you can provide other items that are always needed when someone is away from home, such as toiletries, clothes, portable tools, or anything that makes things easier for them. 15 travel products as the best gift you will give Once we know that the person we are going to give a gift to is someone who likes travel, then we will prepare the best list for you of travel products that are suitable to leave a good impression on them when they receive it. Multipurpose passport holder Sometimes people who are going to travel are confused about the many cards they carry, such as passports, business cards, identity cards and other cards, therefore travelers need a multi-purpose password wallet that is sufficient to be filled with lots of cards and cash so that there is enough to slip into a cross-body or purse during preparation for traveling or at the airport. Look for a password wallet with an elegant design such as an envelope that is also easy to clean. Universal travel adapter One thing that travelers often face is trying to charge portable devices using a single outlet at the airport or hotel, especially if the airport or hotel uses a foreign plug. Universal travel adapters are useful for times like this, because they can be your best option for charging your devices wherever you are, by providing USB-C and USB-A ports, can also be used to overload dual fuses to handle electric devices like curlers, steamers, and dryers. Luxury sleep mask Maybe for some people a sleep mask is a trivial gift, but this item is very useful for long trips. Sleep masks can be used when you are on a plane, bus or car, especially if the traveler is very sensitive to light or anything around them when going to sleep. With a sleep mask, recipients can get their deep rest and quality sleep, making their vacation after the trip more refreshed and fit. Power bank or portable charger Portable chargers can make vacations less stressful, especially if travelers use their smartphones to take pictures wherever they go. Choose a power bank with a large capacity because many smartphones now have power up to 5000 mAh. Don't forget to look at the ports on the portable charger, try to choose one that has lots of ports for charging your multiple devices. Noise cancelling headphones There is nothing more comfortable when you are in a vehicle and want to relax than a good pair of noise-canceling headphones. You can give this gift as a comfortable gift when traveling, because you can ensure the item has great sound quality, durability, and good design. Let the recipient drown in the beautiful noise from the headphones to make it more comfortable when on a plane or bus that takes longer than a few hours. Portable neck fan You certainly know that traveling during the summer will make it difficult for many travelers to stay cool and comfortable while away. The portable neck fan can be a solution for travelers with lots of air slots that function to blow air up toward the head gently and weighs only half a pound so it will be very comfortable to use wherever the recipient goes. The neck fan is rechargeable and the battery can last more than 10 hours. Bookmark style reading light Every traveler's hobbies can be different when they enjoy their trip. If your friends like to read while in bed, plane, or train, surely they will need extra light to read their favorite book. The tiny reading light is easy to carry, can adjust the light to cover a full page, and has buttons for changing the temperature of the lighting and the brightness. This reading light is so small and can be clipped to a paperback without disturbing the book you are reading. When they have finished reading, the recipient can put the reading light in their pocket. Luggage tracker For travelers who often forget to put their belongings when they are in waiting rooms, stations, or near places to eat, a luggage tracker will really help them. The Bluetooth tracker is easy to set up and is great for location accuracy. Recipients can track their belongings almost in real time. Apart from showing a map for the point where you want to locate the luggage, the luggage tracker also has a feature to sound an alarm to speed up your search process. Bags toiletry kit Travelers will need a special place to organize their toiletries for both long and short trips. The bag is needed to stash larger items such as contact solution, shampoo bottles, or toiletries in medium to large sizes. The bag toiletry kit is easy to hang from a towel bar, making it easier for users to use their toiletries. Foam travel pillow A travel pillow is an item that must always be available for travelers, especially those who get tired easily when traveling long distances. The travel pillow will support their head, back, and shoulders while napping, when relaxing on a couch or reading on the bed. The foam cushions will relieve painful pressure points and provide relaxation in any travel condition. The cushion can be used around the neck and will not disturb you when using headphones or other items around the head. Notebook set It is not uncommon for travelers to record their travels or their own travel journal. Choose a notebook set that suits them in their favorite color, or choose material with ink-proof paper that works well with pens and pencils. Notebooks and pens are easy to carry and ideal for documentarians. Cable organizer bag For travelers who are neat and always tidy with all their belongings, a cable organizer bag can be a savior for them. Tech accessories and chargers need a special place to make it easier to find them and return them if there is a place. This organizer is perfect for all adapters and cords. Metro backpack Sometimes travelers don't want to bring so many things, because they only focus on a few vacation spots, and want to stay more in hotels for relaxation. Metro backpack is the right item to put clothes, laptop and travel miscellaneous. It'll keep laptops in place and clothing neatly packed. Action camera For travelers who prefer to travel in places related to water such as lakes, rivers, swimming pools or beaches, an action camera is a suitable item for shooting any travel footage they have. You can also give the stick so that the recipient can shoot from a distance and show their excitement at their favorite place. Silk sleeping bag Camping or hiking requires a comfortable and warm bed. You can provide a silk sleeping back sack to provide comfort and glamping touch to any trip. This sleeping bag can be added to a blow-up mattress or hotel bed for added comfort. Try to choose a sleeping bag with a drawstring bag which makes the item easy to store and pack. Top 12 Corporate Luxury Gifts for VIPs Now we know what we can choose for our family members, work friends, or best friends who really like traveling. Do you still feel lacking in these fancy and useful items because they lack personal touch? Don't worry because BestGiftHK can help you add a personal touch to the gift you choose. BestGiftHK has more than a decade of experience in making corporate gifts and personalizing gifts to create engravings in the form of text, company logos, photos, or anything that can make the item memorable to the recipient. Immediately order the gift you like, then discuss with us how you want the item to be personalized.  
Leather Gifts for Any Occasion
Corporate Gift

Top 10 Leather Gifts for Any Occasion

Everyone certainly wants to look elegant and stylish at every event they attend. Just wearing a good outfit is not enough, because you have to think about several things that can add to your looks. Leather is one of the most versatile materials that is suitable for enhancing someone's looks. Apart from being suitable for making for yourself, leather is also a material that is the main choice when choosing a gift. This article will discuss leather gifts to give you insight into how good leather is as a wedding anniversary, graduation, promotion or corporate gift. What is the meaning of leather gift? Leather is a material that lasts longer than the human lifespan. If used as a wedding anniversary, leather gifts symbolize the strong relationship and will last for a long time. Leather is a flexible but durable material. Very suitable to symbolizes a marriage or someone's good development. That's why leather is the choice of many people for any occasion, because they will always appreciate it. Is leather good for gifts? Leather gifts are an excellent choice for a special day for someone you want to give a gift to. Leather is often used as a traditional gift for third marriage anniversaries for good reasons. Every partner you give leather as a gift shows your hope for their relationship to be solid, still learning and adapting to their needs. Proof that their relationship is strong and resilient-just like leather. Leather is a timeless material suitable for modern looks, famous for its durability and longevity. You can just give one leather gift, but they can use it whenever they want, and it suits any style because leather items give an elegant and stylish impression. Some Leather gifts ideas for any occasion Good news for you, because we have prepared leather gifts that are suitable for everyone on your list. We have selected the best gifts that you can choose on the market for every budget, style, and interest. Let's look for these leather gift ideas. Leather tech charger When someone on your list is a tech person who has a lot of gear to coordinate and charge, this sleek leather charger is a perfect gift for them. The tech charger is covered with pebble-grain Itailan leather and is suitable for wireless charging, so all they need to do is put their cellphone on the left side and dock it up. The right side can be used to store several small items such as keys, wallet, jewelry, reading glasses, and more. Leather wallets Maybe your friend is someone who never wants to replace their wallet, even though their old wallet is already outdated because it is not made of good material, so the contents of the wallet cannot be arranged neatly. Leather wallet is an upgrade for those who have been carrying the same old wallet in their pocket. With sleek looks, there is a special place for lots of cards, and you can choose a wallet with a button which will be handy for users when they want to pay for stuff in the market. Jute tote bag with leather handle Now more and more people want to use eco-friendly goods because they care about the environment. You can give this jute tote bag with leather handles for an attractive appearance while focusing on being eco-friendly. You can order it in bulk for corporate gifts or for several people at one time. If you want to add certain features, such as giving a company logo or certain text on this tote bag as a gift, you can order it at BestGiftHK. BestGift has more than a decade of experience in making customized gifts with many choices ranging from stationery to clothing with many options for personalization using screen printing, laser, pad printing, and embroidery. Leather jewelry case Are any of your friends getting married and you are confused about what gift is suitable for them? You can give this leather jewelry case that can impress their life. Sometimes we have friends who always want to wear their jewelry when traveling. Therefore, by giving them this jewelry case, they can keep rings, necklaces, bracelets and rings safe when they travel. You can personalize it by adding a monogram on the outside. Leather sheet music Every couple has a favorite song in their relationship. For the perfect anniversary or wedding gift, you can make a customized piece of sheet music printed on thin leather and framed in wood. The sheet music is a way to remember that the song will always be in the recipient's relationship and become the most memorable moment in their life. Leather picture frame Photo frames are items that are becoming increasingly rare, but they mean a lot to everyone's lives. If the recipient has a photo that will always be remembered in their life, such as a graduation photo, wedding photo, or a photo of holding a child, then the leather picture frame will be your favorite snapshots shine. The cognac-colored leather makes your frame look modern aesthetic and can be placed wherever you want. Leather belt Are you looking for a suitable gift for your leather anniversary? You can give a simple but elegant thing, namely a leather belt, by becoming a stylish trendsetter for someone who likes classy looks with brown colors. Choose a belt with full-grain leather which can provide a retro finish. Apart from being fashionable and practical, the leather belt is a memorable present for years to come. Standard leather satchel Satchels are an item that will never go out of trend. The classic and minimalist leather satchel will be the best leather gift you'll ever gift. The satchel has a rugged design with tanned cowhide leather, with roomy enough to fit a 15-inch laptop, magazines, office equipment, up to a large notebook. The satchel is fancy enough to add date of birth, initials, or special day in the middle. Leather desk pad When you have a friend whose couple is celebrating an anniversary, you can give them a leather desk pad for their work needs at work or at the home office. The unique color of the leather desk pad has a stunning contrast for any desk, and the pad is enough to hold your desktop essentials. Leather travel chess set Chess fans will be happy with this gift, because it can be used for practice every day, and you can take it anywhere to play with whoever you want. The travel chess kit is the perfect way to combine traveling with hobbies into one. The chessboard is made of full-grain leather and can be packed with shoulder straps to make it easier for you to carry it anywhere. The travel chess set is sufficient for the needs of those who like to go to mountains, lakes or favorite places. Let chess come wherever they go, so they can pursue their hobby wherever they are. 11 Best Gift for Boss for Any Occassion Leather is a durable and stylish material that can be used as a gift for any occasion. Many people use leather as a 3rd wedding anniversary gift because it shows the close relationship between the two even though the time is still short. Apart from that, leather has many ways to be used as an item, because it gives an elegant look to whatever you give it.
stationary gift ideas
Corporate Gifts

10 Amazing Stationary Gift Ideas for Employees

Everyone definitely has employees or work friends who like to collect stationary for their needs. Stationary is like their half life, because what they do is not far from note-taking, writing, drawing, or anything related to that. It will be a big surprise if you can provide new stationary for them on any occasion. Apart from stationary, it can be used for any budget, there are limitless possibilities for the gift you will give. This time, let's look at some of the best stationary gift ideas to prepare you when you want to give the best to stationary lovers. What stationary does a company need? Every company definitely needs stationary for every field. Whether you are a startup or a big company, stationary is something that must be in the office, and you must always have it ready to meet your office needs. Some stationary products that every business needs are pens, markers, notebooks, notepads, mailing, filing, staplers, hole punches, stamps, and tape. Especially for the administration section, stationaries will be needed here, because every day they will deal with writing, recapping and collecting data for the company's needs. To ensure their activities run smoothly, the office must always prepare a stationary, so that there is no stock when the administrative department needs it. Sometimes there are also companies that have special stationaries that include the company logo on each item, as identification or as a promotional tool if they are given to clients. How to make custom stationary? Making special stationary by displaying the company's logo, name or attributes is fun and suitable for use as a reward for employees or as a promotional tool. For corporate gift needs or for office stock, you can make custom stationary at BestGiftHK. BestGiftHK has more than 20 years of experience in corporate gift customization and production services. You can choose the stationary you need, and it can be customized with corporate logos or service promotions using pad printing, laser and embroidery. Years of professional gift customization from us is your best choice to provide the best stationary gift ideas for customers all over the world. 10 stationary gift ideas for employees Are you ready to choose stationary gift ideas for employees or coworkers? We have prepared some of the best stationary lists for you, so that recipients can be more enthusiastic about their work. Magnetic gel pen set The magnetic gel pen set is both a pen and an amazing desk toy. You can have a pen with strong magnets that can be arranged neatly to become anything you want. The pens are refillable and fun to have, available in a variety of colors to match your pen set. Eco Friendly Stationery set Now there are many eco-friendly stationary sets that can be used, and once they are finished they can be used to grow plants. The eco-friendly set contains a plantable notepad, eco pens, and paper pencils. You can prepare seeds if you want to plant plants from used stationary that will run out. The gift set is made from sustainable materials, with the notepad, pen and pencil body made from recycled and bio-degradable paper. You can give this to stationary lovers who care about the environment. Planners For someone who needs to plan everything to run activities smoothly, you can give planners. Normally planners will contain 14 months, to write anything for a year with more than 2 months. A minimalist design with a clean format will be suitable for efficient planning. Many places are suitable for placing appointments, events, or to do items. Stapleless stapler What does that mean? This is a stapler without refills, because it does not use staple needles so it is safe to use for other than office needs, such as for wrapping food. The stapleless stapler can be used for 10 sheets at once. How does this tool perform? The top of the stapler is designed to be transparent, so you can see the hole you choose. The remaining pieces of paper can be cleaned from the stapler by opening the transparent cover. Minimalism stationary pen For gift recipients who like minimalism, we have prepared a minimalist stationary pen that can have the company logo printed on the back of the pen with a length of up to 3.5 cm and a width of 0.8 cm. The pen looks elegant because of its minimalist appearance, but is capable of writing all office needs. You can order lots directly to use as souvenirs or stock for employees when writing, with each pen bearing the company logo. Solid color stationary pencil Having a stationary with a uniform color can satisfy the owner. We provide solid color stationary pencils made from wood, and you can print company logos using a pad printing system. You can order a minimum of 10 pencil sticks, with a solid color that you choose according to the employee's wishes. The pencil size is 19 in height and 0.7 in width, and the many color options can be a relief for recipients who have specific references for each stationary item. Business stationary notebook For secretaries who have to note down every important thing in meetings, you can give them a business stationary notebook. The notebook measures 23.5cm long and 17.5cm wide. With this size, your secretary can record all important things at any meeting. You can put the company logo on the notebook cover. There are various colors available for the cover, and it has a cover that is safe to open and close whenever needed. Office desk organizer A desk organizer is a necessity for everyone who loves their stationary. The storage box is made of non-toxic ABS material and environmentally friendly, burr-free edges that will not cause damage. There are divided compartments to organize all office supplies such as markers, rulers, pens, clips, scissors, sticky notes, and other small things. This gift is great for any desk, because it can be used for organizing home offices or dormitories. It's perfect for whoever you want to give it to. Fountain pen You can never go wrong when giving a fountain pen as a gift. If the recipient likes lettering and making elegant notes, this kind of pen is perfect for them. Ink that is thick enough will have an internal binding force for whatever the recipient writes. Everyone chooses fountain pens for important signatures, because the colors are more vibrant and the ink lines are more pronounced. Washi tape Washi tape is often also known as decorative tape, which can be used to wrap gift packages, or to tape something that is torn in a cute shape. The brighter and more attractive colors make washi tape a choice for women who like cute things. Recipients can also use washi tape for bookmarks, and also as a unique decoration material. Custom Stationery Recommendations for a More Personal Every employee has the right to get the best facilities related to their work. If you can give gifts to stationary lovers, they will be more enthusiastic about doing their work. You can customize stationary gifts by ordering them at BestGift HK, by choosing the best stationary and including the company logo on each item you choose.
Best Electronic Gifts
Corporate Gift

15 Best Electronic Gifts That Will Impress Anyone

Keeping up with the latest gadgets is what many people want, because we don't want to be left behind with any developments in this digital era. Especially for tech lovers who always follow updates about new gadgets or electronics, but still can't buy them. If you have friends or family members who are tech lovers, you can start thinking about electronic gifts for any occasion and as a surprise for them. Why electronics good for gifts? Electronic gifts are good because they are often useful and technologically advanced. Electronics have long lifespans and can sometimes be upgraded according to technological advances, which makes them an excellent gift or investment for the sender or recipient. The choices for electronics that are suitable as gifts are limitless, because you can adjust them to the recipient, whether they need them for home, work, college, school or travel needs. The best part is that you can make this type of gift personalized by adding a company logo, recipient's name, or your favorite quote on it. How are electronic gadgets useful? Electronic gadgets have become an important part of modern life. Some of the positive things about electronic gadgets are connectivity, communication, information access, productivity, efficiency and health monitoring. Electronic gadgets and accessories will make it easier for us to communicate, stay connected between us and friends and family across the globe. Gadgets also make it easier for us to get information on the internet. This helps anyone to research, learn, and stay informed about various topics. Not only that, gadgets are very useful for increasing work efficiency, organizing schedules and managing tasks. This can lead to increased productivity for personal or professional life. When is the right time to give electronics as a gift? If the recipient of the gift is someone who likes technology and electronic stuff, you don't need the right time to give an electronic gift. You can give it any time, and you can adjust it to the right day according to your choice. But the most common time to give someone a gift is on their birthday, achievement, anniversary or graduation. 15 best electronic gifts that are sure to impress Once you know the reasons why electronics and gadgets can be a good gift, now you just have to choose which gadget or electronics is best for the recipient. We have prepared some of the best electronic and gadget gift ideas, you just have to choose and decide when to give them. Tracking device The Raptic link + lock carabiner can be used to secure suitcases, bikes, even cars. Equipped with Bluetooth trackers to make it easier for you to find items you put around the house or office, whatever needs tracking. Simply slide the combination-lock into your thing and close the carabiner lock. You can safely protect your items with a combination lock, and make it easier for you to find them when you forget to put them using Bluetooth. Wireless charging stand Wireless chargers are items that are often sought after by tech lovers because of their usefulness. The angled stand provides convenience and aesthetics for users who want fast charging without having to stick with traditional charging methods. There is also a 3 in 1 wireless charging station for Apple devices to charge your iPhone, Airpods and Apple Watch simultaneously. Modern bird feeder This is the world's most techy bird feeder you'll ever see. This bird feeder can detect what is coming and create still photos and video clips, and can share with an active in-app community. The quality is because it can capture 1080p photos and videos to record the moment when birds or squirrels come by. Your gift recipient can share their photos and clips with other tech bird feeder owners in the community section of the app. Noise-cancelling headphones Some people want their work or study place to be quiet and calm. By providing noise-cancelling headphones, you can give them focus and increase their concentration or productivity. The best thing about this type of headphones is the feature of adapting to your environment, using wireless Bluetooth connectivity, and with a plush comfortable design for anyone who wears them. LED light strips The LED light strip is a suitable gift for anyone because it can light up the office, bedroom, or gaming room. You can connect the LED light strip with assistants like Alexa or Siri. Or you can integrate the light strip into the Nest ecosystem or SmartThings. This is the cool way to spruce up the place with soft mood lighting or bright red glow lighting according to the desired color. Don't worry about the colors in this lighting, because it has the best color zones that will never disappoint. Mini electric shaver The mini electric shaver is very suitable for men who need regular shaving. This is the cleanest and most powerful electric shaver with a small size. You can take it wherever you go, and can be used both wet and dry. The shaver is high quality and gentle on the skin. Will not cause irritation to the skin and effectively shaves hard or short beards without missing a beat. Battery charging is fast, less than 60 minutes and you can use it immediately, wherever and whenever you need it. Robot vacuum For someone who has just moved into a new house or moved into their dorm, the robot vacuum will help them to clean their room. The robot vacuum can be your solution for cleaning the floor of your house from dust and dirt, without having to bother cleaning it yourself. The robot vacuum works automatically to clean various places in the house, including the corners of the room. Users don't need to move parts that are difficult to clean, because the robot vacuum can reach them even under the sofa, bed or between cupboards. The vacuum doesn't make noise like a general vacuum, so you will never be disturbed every time you turn on the robot vacuum to clean the room. Mini portable air purifier A mini air purifier is a tool needed to clean a room from smoke, dust or bacteria. This tool is very suitable as a gift for someone who has a dust allergy, or those who want a room that is always clean from dirty air. The portable one is easy to move to any room because its size is not too big. Choose a type of air purifier that does not make noise when turned on, so as not to disturb the recipient's activities. Mini drone For friends and family who have never had a drone before, you can give them a mini drone to make it easier for them to take photos from a distance, or for recording purposes. The mini drone is light but powerful, can spin off into the sky in a short time, and snap photos with HD Wi-Fi camera quality. 3D printing pen For someone who loves art and technology, the 3D printing pen will be the best gift they'll ever have. The pen heats up plastic inserts and re-hardens almost instantly, available for multi-colored plastic and users can draw in full 3D. The kit comes with a guidebook and 15 different colors, and you can buy it together with additional refills. Ring light For content creators who need lighting in their room, the ring light can help them. This budget-friendly gift is highly functional, because it is available with a tripod stand for secure phone mounting inside the ring, and a remote is available for hands-free filming. Wake up light alarm clock For some people, an alarm clock alone is still difficult to get them up in the morning. With a wake-up light, the recipient can easily wake up in the morning, because it has a spherical design that creates a sunrise simulation while also monitoring the recipient's sleep environment. The wake-up light can be connected to a smartphone to customize the color, sound, duration, and intensity of wind-down or wake-up programs. Shower phone holder For people who can never be without their cellphone, even when they shower, you can give them a shower phone holder. It's easy to use, because you can safely cradle the phone to get a good view from any angle. They will love this gift because they can watch TikTok videos, movies, or even YouTube during the bathroom activity. Electric make up brush cleaner This electric cleaner is capable of cleaning make-up brushes so that they are always hygienic and clean. You don't need to worry about using it regularly, because this electric device will not make your brush hair fall out or become rough. The device will be very useful because it can clean and dry make-up brushes in just a matter of seconds. The rotating tool will make the process of drying the brushes easier after washing. Souvenir gift set The souvenir gift set is very suitable to be used as a corporation gift for employees or clients who are tech lovers. The gift set contains a dual-use U disk, wireless mouse, and wireless keyboard. You can make this gift even more special by giving 1 printed logo, embroidery, or other printing options. BestGiftHK is the best place to order customized corporation gifts, by providing the company logo on the gift set or each item you choose. BestGiftHK has more than a decade of experience in professional gift customization with customers all over the world. More than 80% of customers return orders, and overseas customers choose our services.  Choose the best electronic and gadget gift ideas, and don't forget to customize it with your company logo or recipient's name so that it gives a special impression to them. Don't forget to look at and choose gifts based on quality, use and function to impress the recipient.
valentine's day gift
Gift Ideas

15 Top Valentine's day gift ideas for everyone on your list

It doesn't feel like Valentine's Day is less than a month away. Now, it's time for us to plan your presents for everyone on your list, such as partners, lovers, best friends, coworkers, or anyone you are close to. There are certainly a lot of gift choices nowadays, and they can be overwhelming if you look for them from scratch. That's why we have summarized for you some of the best Valentine's gifts for you, starting from a selection of items that can be purchased directly, or you can customize it and make it personalized to give a more special impression. How can I make Valentine's Day special? Valentine's Day is the right time to show your love for the people closest to you. You can start choosing a Valentine's Day gift by adjusting your budget, inviting them to a romantic date, or expressing your love in a unique way. Whatever you do on Valentine's Day is more focused on bringing you closer to your partner, and giving them something memorable on this beautiful day. Should I give a Valentine's Day gift? Yes, make the day special by giving the best gift you can choose. Everyone on that day will express their love in their own way, and you can start by choosing the best gift according to the recipient's preferences, or you have done research first about what your partner needs or wants. What is the most popular gift given for Valentine's Day? The two most common gifts on Valentine's Day are flowers and chocolate. Many people choose one or both, as a characteristic of the minimum gift they can give. But gifts for Valentine's Day don't just stop at those two items, because you can look for other references according to your wishes. 15 top valentine's day gift ideas for everyone on your list These are some of our best options for giving a surprise to your loved ones on Valentine's Day. Hope you can get it according to your budget, and still give a lasting impression to the recipient. Customized playing cards Many people think that playing cards are not suitable as special gifts, because they are too simple and easy to get anywhere. But this could be a good idea if you can customize it by replacing the image in the middle of the playing cards with several photos of you and your partner. You can use 52 different photos to complete a pack of cards, so you can play cards with friends, while seeing memories on each card for every moment you have spent together. Acrylic song plaque Every couple always has a special song that becomes an unforgettable memory. You can make it appear in the real world with a personalized acrylic song plaque with that memorable song and a photo of the two of you and your partner. The plaque can be mounted on a wooden stand to be placed in the living room or bedroom as a reminder of a song that you and your partner will never forget for the rest of your life. Knot ball pillow The knotted pillow is a stylish, sustainable, and cute thing to have. The knot ball pillow comes in three sizes, you can adjust it to your partner's needs. The smallest size can be used as a stress ball, the medium and large size can be used as stress relief or for relaxing in the living room. There are many color choices that you can choose. Succulent heart mini pot Flowers are a good gift for Valentine's Day, but they don't last more than a week. This is different from a succulent garden which can be cared for by your partner for a long time. What makes it more special is the heart-shaped pot to be a double surprise as a suitable gift to show your affection for your partner. Luxury make up case Make up equipment is like life for ladies. Therefore, you can provide a luxury make up case to ensure their make up is in a safe place for storing their favorite cosmetics, a place for brushes, spacious space for powder and lipstick, and there is a mirror in the middle for making up whenever needed. Silk robes Silk robes are a great Valentine's gift if you want something a little luxurious. The robes are smooth, can be used for sleeping, after bathing, or if your partner wants to wear something elegant but relaxed at home. Choose the recipient's favorite color and lightweight and breathable material. The silk robe can provide warmth in cooler temperatures, but is still perfect for warm weather. Pearl earrings Pearl earrings are classic but timeless. The subtle and simplistic design is suitable for your partner to use when attending important events or for everyday use. Each recipient can pair the pearl earrings with high heels, a simple dress. The elegant looks will shine on your partners, making them more confident in their appearance. Customized water bottle For couples who have a workout routine every morning and need a drinking bottle, a customized water bottle could be a suitable gift for Valentine's Day. You can make this gift even more special by choosing different patterns and colors, resistant to breakage, and can be designed according to your wishes. There are many types of water bottles for you to choose from, such as stainless steel, REPT, or silicone cups. Jewelry box Every woman needs a special place for their jewelry. You can choose the right size for the jewelry box, depending on your partner's needs. Starting from portable jewelry boxes to large capacity, you can order them also made from good materials such as solid wood or acrylic. The added value of this gift is that it can be specially designed with a photo, name or logo that you like on the front or top of the jewelry box. Stationery set For someone who likes reading and writing, you can gift a stationery set containing pens, notebooks, bookmarks, etc. Match the colors of all the items you give so that they are uniform and pleasing to the eye. There are various kinds of pens that you can give, such as special pens for writing diaries or pens for signing. For notebooks, you can choose a diary book, business writing book, article book, or meeting notebook. The many choices for stationery gifts give you the freedom to meet your partner's needs. Everywhere bag This gift is called a everywhere bag because you can use it for travel or wherever you go. The elegant design and maximum function ensure that whatever items you carry are kept organized. Choose a travel bag with a large space, water-resistant, and designed with a trolley sleeve so that the recipient can carry it when traveling long distances and put it on top of their suitcase. Bamboo robe Another comfortable to wear gift with stretch-knit bamboo-based fabric. This robe is breathable and will prevent the wearer from getting hot. The robe is also super soft and stretchy, making the wearer look elegant. There are other features such as pockets and attached belt for user comfort. Bathroom essentials Bath accessories can be a great gift for Valentine's Day. You can elevate the recipient's bathroom experience by providing plush bath sheets with ultra-absorbent and soft touch. You can also provide bath bombs, bath foam, scented candles, and various soaps for relaxation which can turn your bathing experience into a dream spa. Essential oil diffuser Let your partner get time to relax in peace by providing an essential oil diffuser. The diffuser will scent the recipient's house naturally with elegant design as a piece of decor. The oil diffuser can be used throughout the day to purify and moisturize the room. Now, your partner can get aromatherapy practice as long as they want. Wireless charging pad Is your partner a tech lover? They will definitely like this gift. The wireless charging pad can be used to charge your phone, while keeping important items such as watches, keys, notes, or perfume in one place. This wireless charging pad is suitable for placing on entryway tables or bedside to easily organize accessories and charge devices. 15 Best Stationery Gift Ideas for People Who Love Stationeries Have you chosen the right gift for Valentine's Day? Choose a gift that suits your partner's budget and wishes. For some gifts that you want to customize with a logo, name or photo of the recipient, you can order them at BestGiftHK. We have more than 20 years of experience in gift production and customization services with a good reputation from customers throughout the world. All gifts from BestGiftHK have quality assurance, rich categories, low-volume ordering, and professional services. We can't wait to wait for your order for Valentine's Day!