How To Do Coffee Shop Branding Strategy In 2022

How To Do Coffee Shop Branding Strategy In 2022

A brand is the most essential thing in a business. Doing a coffee shop branding strategy is as important as the quality of the products you sell. By following our branding tips, you can elevate your business and go to the next level.

Many coffee shop owners think only about taste, and the perfect brew technique, or are obsessed with ethically-sourced beans but don't pay attention to their branding process. Opening a coffee shop does not only focus on taste or shape but also has a branding strategy in it.

Don't worry if you don't have a reference for the branding process because we will give you some tips about coffee shop branding.

Brand and Quality Go In One Direction

The brand is not only about taste but all aspects that you provide for customers. In modern advertising, a brand is a combination of the product's name, attributes, price, packaging, history, and reputation. The brand is the perception of the customer for your product.

Taste does determine whether customers will continue to choose to stay with your brand or not, but it is one of the steps chosen by customers because not all customers care about taste. The quality of your product should go hand in hand with the brand. Staff service, packaging quality, and taste will become one package to show who you are in the coffee world.

Accept criticism and suggestions from customers to better your product. Repeat the process until you get positive reviews on Google reviews about your coffee shop to further reinforce your brand.

If you see someone somewhere holding a white cup with a green logo, you are immediately drawn to Starbucks. It is one of the brand recognition that you need to pursue. You can promote your brand with unique packaging, good merchandise, colorful sleeves, and anything else to show your coffee shop is worthy to compete with others.

Having a Concept That Aligns With Your Business Mission

Every entrepreneur has steps and concepts to advance their business. Make coffee shop branding the root of your business strategy to better understand what you will display, who you are in the coffee shop world, and what goals you will achieve. Your business mission and current brand stay aligned.

For example, if you want to prioritize luxury looks, you can design from the cup, and beverages display, to the coffee shop environment, looks amazing. You can use plain brown paper cups to give customers a premium feel. When you serve coffee for dine-in, you can put the coffee on a round wooden plate that matches the color of the table. Stay with your identity to give your own "brand" to every customer.

Don't forget to ask for suggestions or feedback because you can't brand yourself and think your idea is the best. Feedback from customers will be valuable for the progress of your business and how you can survive in the coffee shop competition.

The Logo is the Face of Your Brand

Brand recognition starts from customer perception. Having a good logo can be a selling point and instantly recognizable. Don't underestimate a logo because customers can get to know your brand only through the logo.

A unique logo can be obtained from the right designer. Do not let you change the logo choice because you underestimated the initial logo creation. Rebranding costs a lot, and you have to do branding from scratch.

Invest yourself in a business logo. If you've got a good logo, stick with it because a logo can be worth a thousand words.

Become a Dynamic Coffee Shop

Think of ways to attract customers back to your coffee shop by adapting to new things. Never be satisfied with your current cafe arrangement. Coffee shop branding can be done through the layout. For example, some fast food companies have a habit of adapting their staff's clothes to the current holiday event. There is a new menu or "custom" that adapts to the current event.

It can be a good branding strategy because customers will get to know us with a coffee shop that can adapt to events and not just show monotonous things.

You can offer special menus available during specific events such as thanksgiving, valentine's, Christmas, or other important menus. That way you can do coffee shop branding with interesting features.

Online Presence

Now business people want to do brand awareness through social media. Share your coffee shop with the world and reach people wider than before by showing photos or videos of your cafe activities to attract potential customers.

coffee shop branding

You can create an 'Instagrammable' layout so that customers are attracted to your place and get a good spot for photos. In addition to delicious dishes, customers will enjoy it if they can share their photos at your place.

Gradually your coffee shop is known to be a great place for photos and the food that never disappoints. Those two things are a great combo to get branding opportunities on social media. Start branding through Instagram by sharing photos of your mainstay menu and encourage your customers to use the hashtag of your business name every time they want to share their moment.

You can do coffee shop branding combined with a discount strategy. For example, customers who want to share their moment at the cafe and put a caption and hashtag for your brand will get a special discount or free drinks.

Be Active in Your Community

If there is an opportunity to introduce your brand, then try looking for festivals or following community levels as an easy way to get hundreds of people who don't know about your brand. If there are loyal customers who participate in the same event, it can become a bond between you and your customers and treat you as not an ordinary coffee shop.

You don't have to spend a lot of money. Just bring small bars with your signature drink at an event. Share your activities on social media so that your customers will know when you attend an event, whenever they are near the event or attend the event.

With these few tips, you can already run a coffee shop branding strategy without spending a lot of money on marketing costs. Brand recognition is vital for any coffee shop. Besides, you can offer coffee shop merchandise that you get from to spread your brand even further.

